Competence Assessor and Supervisor Training within Laboratory Animal Sciences

Anyone who works in animal experimental research and performs actions on laboratory animals must be able to demonstrate that these actions have been taught and assessed correctly. Only then may you perform actions on animals. The Supervisor and Assessor Training course in Laboratory Animal Science teaches you to assess employees in a transparent, reliable and independent manner. After successfully completing this course, you may determine as a supervisor and assessor on behalf of the IvD (Animal Welfare Authority) whether employees are competent to independently perform animal experimental actions.

Een muis (proefdier) op een formulier voor proefdiergebruik

During this course you will learn how to use your expertise in laboratory animal procedures to assess the competence development of a trainee as a supervisor and to assess it as an assessor. You will learn the background of competence assessment and what is needed to assess qualitatively well. You will then learn to lead an assessment interview and ask the right questions in a safe environment. You will also learn what to look for in an assessment and how to provide verbal and written feedback to a candidate about the final result. Finally, you will learn to evaluate the quality of your own work.

Useful to know

Start January 2026.
Deadline for registration: 15 December due to the preparatory assignments.
Course dates The lesson times are from 9:00 - 13:00.
Study investment Between 40 - 60 hours of study load (2 ECTS).
This consists of preparation hours, attending education (20 hours) and the assignments and assessment.

€ 1945 (free from VAT)

You will receive a discount of €200 if you are registered as authorized with the Utrecht Animal Welfare Authority

You will receive a discount of €100 if you are registered with DALAS

Attendees 8 maximum
Location Heidelberglaan 7 Utrecht
Programme level Certificaat met de studie-investering

Course content

Theoretical background based on an English-language online module and practical skills in preparing, performing and completing an interim or final assessment of a newly learned laboratory animal procedure(s) are central to this course.

The course consists of 5 physical meetings. Preparation is expected before the course, which will be communicated 3 weeks before the start. There are also homework assignments in between.

The form of education is built up from a combination of independent learning from an online learning environment and frontal education. The test consists of a final assessment and has active participation and going through the online learning environment as a condition.

At the end of this course the supervisor or assessor will be able to:

  • determine the objectives of an assessment.
  • determine the objectives of an assessment.
  • select and, where necessary, draw up an assessment method.
  • carry out an assessment in a qualitative manner.
  • report and communicate the results of an assessment.
  • evaluate and improve an assessment.


The course can be entered in a diverse manner and is suitable for both postdocs, laboratory animal caretakers and biotechnicians. An important condition is that the participant is competent in a number of actions, has an affinity with testing and is facilitated by the department to receive further training. The participant preferably has an affinity with training and assessment and is seen as a potentially competent supervisor or assessor by the IvD and/or the department itself.


This course is taught by teachers with a lot of practical experience in assessing competencies. The course therefore ties in with their daily reality.

Ronald Vlasblom

Ronald Vlasblom


Ronald Vlasblom gained a lot of practical experience with laboratory animals in the cardiovascular research world before becoming a lecturer in Laboratory Animal Science at Utrecht University of Applied Sciences.

Ronald coaches students in their development to young professionals and guides them in performing invasive and non-invasive procedures on small laboratory animals. Ronald has a lot of experience in educational development and testing.

Felicia Joy van der Flier

Felicia Joy van der Flier


Felicia Joy van der Flier was mainly active in the field of neuro-immunology before she started as a lecturer in Laboratory Animal Science at Utrecht University of Applied Sciences.

Felicia Joy motivates young professionals for the animal testing (free) field and coaches enthusiastically within the Lifelong Learning (LLL) policy. She is very involved in innovating testing and transfers knowledge in an interactive way within her education.

Ivo Tiebosch

Ivo Tiebosch


Ivo Tiebosch has experience in secondary, university and higher professional education. Within higher professional education he is active as a lecturer in Laboratory Animal Science.

During his scientific education Ivo supervised many biotechnicians in training. In addition, he has gained a lot of experience in the quality of assessment within the assessment committee and he has trained and assessed other lecturers in the basic and senior qualification assessment. He is currently the primary point of contact for Lifelong Learning in laboratory animal science, particularly for license holders affiliated with the IvD-Utrecht.

After this course

After completing this course, you may train and assess employees who perform animal experimental procedures. Only with this or a similar training can you determine that fellow employees may perform an action independently.

After this course you are able to:

  • identify and state the goals of an assessment.
  • select or compile the appropriate assessment instruments.
  • conduct an assessment with a candidate.
  • communicate the results orally and in writing with the candidate.
  • evaluate and improve the assessment procedure.

It is only permitted to work with laboratory animals if the legal requirements of the Animal Experiments Act are met. This law states that employees are authorised and competent in the actions that are performed with laboratory animals. For the time being, it is mandatory for permit holders who are affiliated with the IvD Utrecht to follow the course “Supervisor and Assessor Training within Laboratory Animal Science”, in order to train and assess new actions as a supervisor or assessor. European implementation of new guidelines regarding education and training will probably stimulate similar policies at a national level.

This course is a refresher and further training course within the framework of the Lifelong Learning policy as published by the IvD Utrecht (March 2023) on behalf of affiliated license holders.

Other information

The Supervisor and Assessor Training course within Laboratory Animal Science costs € 1.945,- (VAT exempt), including the teaching materials.

  • Members of the Utrecht Animal Welfare Authority receive a €200 discount.
  • Members of DALAS receive a € 100 discount.

The course is intended for employees working in the laboratory animal science field, who have demonstrable experience with invasive and non-invasive procedures on laboratory animals and have an affinity with training and testing.

Why competence Assessor and Supervisor Training within Laboratory Animal Sciences at the HU?

  • Advance your career

    The HU provides contemporary education that is closely aligned with practice and developed this education in direct collaboration with the IvD Utrecht.

  • Advance your career

    The HU provides contemporary education that is closely aligned with practice and developed this education in direct collaboration with the IvD Utrecht.

  • Expand your network

    You have a lot of contact with colleagues from the field. This allows you to build a strong network.

Barbara Jerusalem


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