Tim Idzenga is a lecturer and researcher at HU University of Applied Science. He studied Applied Physics at the University of Twente and received his PhD in medical technology at the Erasmus Medical Center Rotterdam. Following his PhD he did a postdoc at the Radboud UMC and Amsterdam UMC on ultrasound imaging in the field of urology. 

At the HU he is part of the lectorate Smart Systems for Healthy Living and the lectorate Mathematics and Analytical Skills of Professionals. His current focus is on Medical technology and on connecting Mathematics education to the professional field.

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Tim heeft ervaring opgedaan in het biomedische onderzoeksveld bij drie van de grote UMC’s. Bij de HU is hij als docent verbonden aan de bachelor opleidingen Electrical Engineering, Werktuigbouwkunde en Technische Bedrijfskunde, de Master Next Level Engineering en de Master of Engineering.



  • Biomedisch onderzoek
  • Toegepaste wiskunde
  • Experimenteel onderzoek

Tim Idzenga | onderzoeker | lectoraat Microsysteemtechnologie

Tim Idzenga

  • Docent-onderzoeker
  • Lectoraten: Smart Systems for Healthy Living, Wiskundig en Analytisch vermogen van Professionals