A first-person promise?

Authors Kiki de Bruin, Yael de Haan, Sanne Kruikemeier, Nele Goutier
Published in Journalism
Publication date 25 mei 2020
Research groups Kwaliteitsjournalistiek in Digitale Transitie
Type Article


Major news outlets increasingly use immersive techniques in their journalistic productions. The idea is that, through the application of immersive technologies, the news consumer can engage with and be part of the story. However, we do not know, to what extent this promise is actually fulfilled in productions currently accessible to news audiences. This study uses a multi-step approach to fill this knowledge gap.

On this publication contributed

  • Kiki de Bruin
    Kiki de Bruin
    • PhD candidate
    • Research group: Kwaliteitsjournalistiek in Digitale Transitie
  • Yael de Haan
    Yael de Haan
    • Lector
    • Research group: Kwaliteitsjournalistiek in Digitale Transitie

Language Engels
Published in Journalism
Key words content analysis , immersive journalism , literature review , virtual reality
Digital Object Identifier 10.1177/1464884920922006

Kiki de Bruin

Kiki de Bruin

Kiki de Bruin

  • Promovendus
  • Research group: Kwaliteitsjournalistiek in Digitale Transitie