A Tool for Analyzing Business Rules Management Solution Implementations

Authors Sam Leewis, Martijn Zoet, Koen Smit
Published in Proceedings of the Tenth International Conference on Information, Process, and Knowledge Management Performance
Publication date 24 maart 2018
Research groups Betekenisvol Digitaal Innoveren
Type Lecture


Evaluating an (implemented) Business Rules Management Solution (BRMS) is not a frequently conducted process within organizations. A tool is needed, which supports this process and supports future BRMS implementations. A literature study is conducted on the relevant building blocks of a BRMS. The results are validated through qualitative expert interviews. This resulted in the BRMS analysis tool that can be utilized to structure the analysis for one or multiple BRMS implementations. Next, the BRMS analysis tool is applied at 13 organizations that implemented a BRMS. The BRMS analysis tool provides the BRMS implementation stakeholders with a tool that structures, in a systematic and controlled way, that is capable to analyze a BRMS implementation for one or multiple organizations. This research contributes to structured and managed information which is important for better business and IT alignment. Furthermore, structured and managed information contributes towards the easier creation of a business case.

On this publication contributed

  • Sam Leewis
    • Researcher
    • Research group: Betekenisvol Digitaal Innoveren
  • Koen Smit | onderzoeker | lectoraat Betekenisvol Digitaal Innoveren
    Koen Smit
    • Researcher
    • Research group: Betekenisvol Digitaal Innoveren

Language Engels
Published in Proceedings of the Tenth International Conference on Information, Process, and Knowledge Management Performance
Key words Keywords-Business Rules Management, Business Rules Management Solution;, Implementation Challenges, Analysis tool
Page range 95-100

Sam Leewis

Sam Leewis

  • Onderzoeker
  • Research group: Betekenisvol Digitaal Innoveren