A visual account

Authors Sandra Geelhoed
Published in Socially smart cities; Making a difference in urban neighbourhoods
Publication date 2019
Research groups Organiseren van Waardig Werk
Type Other output


Illustration by Dr. Sandra Geelhoed. Dr. Sandra Geelhoed is a sociologist, art educator and co-operation partner. Dr Geelhoed is conducting a research project on narrative accountability at the Research Centre for Social Innovation at HU University of Applied Sciences, Utrecht. Since January 2019, she produces visual accounts of conferences, meetings and gatherings, in narrative research schemes and participatory action research (PAR) settings. Through these experiments, she explores the notion of representation of people’s voice.

On this publication contributed

Language Engels
Published in Socially smart cities; Making a difference in urban neighbourhoods

Sandra Geelhoed

Sandra Geelhoed | Senior-onderzoeker | Organiseren van Waardig Werk

Sandra Geelhoed

  • Researcher
  • Research group: Duurzame Gemeenschappen