Boundaries of Hyperlocal Journalism

Authors María-Cruz Negreira-Rey, Yael de Haan, Rijk van den Broek
Published in Blurring Boundaries of Journalism in Digital Media: New Actors, Models and Practices
Publication date 2023
Research groups Kwaliteitsjournalistiek in Digitale Transitie
Type Book


The growth of so-called hyperlocal media has created new challenges for research, blurring some of the classic boundaries of local journalism and traditional media. In this chapter we try to understand the role hyperlocal media have in the local media ecosystem by focusing on two European countries: Spain and the Netherlands. We present the methodology applied for the study of hyperlocal media in both cases, adapted to their geographical, social and media context. We identify the main characteristics of hyperlocal media in both countries, observing their distribution in the territory, organizational and productive structures, news content and citizen participation. Finally, we propose some keys for the comparative study of hyperlocal media.

On this publication contributed

  • Yael de Haan
    Yael de Haan
    • Lector
    • Research group: Kwaliteitsjournalistiek in Digitale Transitie
  • Rijk van den Broek
    • Researcher
    • Research group: Kwaliteitsjournalistiek in Digitale Transitie

Language Engels
Published in Blurring Boundaries of Journalism in Digital Media: New Actors, Models and Practices
Key words hyperlocal journalism, local journalism, Spain, the Netherlands
Digital Object Identifier 10.1007/978-3-031-43926-1_6
Page range 71-88

Kwaliteitsjournalistiek in Digitale Transitie