Communication practices in conversations about sexual health in medical healthcare settings

Authors Irene Kelder, Annette Klarenbeek, Ellen Laan
Published in Patient Education and Counseling
Publication date 29 juli 2021
Research groups Communicatie in Digitale Transitie
Type Article


Many healthcare professionals experience difficulties in discussing sexual health with their patients. The aim of this review was to synthesize results of studies on communication practices in interactions about sexual health in medical settings, to offer healthcare professionals suggestions on how to communicate about this topic. Veel zorgprofessionals ervaren problemen bij het bespreken van seksuele gezondheid met hun patiënten. Het doel van deze review was een synthese te presenteren van studies naar communicatiepraktijken in interactie over seksuele gezondheid in medische settings, om zorgprofessionals handreikingen te bieden voor communicatie over dit thema.

On this publication contributed

  • Irene Kelder | onderzoeker | lectoraat Crossmediale communicatie in het publieke domein
    Irene Kelder
    • PhD candidate
    • Research group: Communicatie in Digitale Transitie
  • Annette Klarenbeek
    Annette Klarenbeek
    • Lector
    • Research group: Communicatie in Digitale Transitie

Language Engels
Published in Patient Education and Counseling
Key words systematic review, sexual health, discourse analysis, communication practices, healthcare professionals
Digital Object Identifier 10.1016/j.pec.2021.07.049

Irene Kelder

Irene Kelder | onderzoeker | lectoraat Crossmediale communicatie in het publieke domein

Irene Kelder

  • Promovendus
  • Research group: Communicatie in Digitale Transitie