Designing learning environments at the school-work boundary

Authors Erica Bouw
Publication date 18 juni 2021
Research groups Beroepsonderwijs
Type Doctoral thesis


The central aim of this thesis was to increase understanding of designing vocational learning environments at the school–work boundary. Four studies were conducted, focusing on learning environment designs at the school–work boundary and on design considerations of the actors involved in their construction, both from the world of school and the world of work.

On this publication contributed

  • Foto van Erica Bouw
    Erica Bouw
    • Researcher
    • Research group: Beroepsonderwijs

Language Engels
ISBN/ISSN URN:ISBN:978-94-6423-236-3
Key words school-work boundary, learning environments, vocational education

Erica Bouw

Foto van Erica Bouw

Erica Bouw

  • Onderzoeker
  • Research group: Beroepsonderwijs