Educating for a Changing Media Landscape: Four Scenarios for Journalism Education in 2030

Authors Maaike Severijnen, Yael de Haan
Published in Journalism Studies
Publication date 2024
Research groups Kwaliteitsjournalistiek in Digitale Transitie
Type Article


Over the past decades, journalism schools and journalism training programmes have been trying to keep up with the constant technological and societal developments. Numerous studies have been done about what knowledge and skills should be taught and several on how they should be taught, to be more adaptive to this changing environment and media landscape. Meanwhile, also media companies are increasingly becoming educators, with their own learning academies to make journalists become lifelong learners. In this study, which was conducted in the Netherlands, we take a holistic approach to understanding the uncertain future journalism education is currently dealing with. We use the method of scenario planning to systematically analyse the current debate on journalism education. By collecting opinions and views of fifty different experts from the broad field of journalism and (journalism) education, we deducted certain and uncertain trends that led to two axes, answering the following questions: What type of journalism do we educate for and Who is in charge of the learning process? Crossing these axes, four scenarios for the future of journalism education appear. With this study, we intend to facilitate the debate on the future of journalism education.

On this publication contributed

  • Maaike Severijnen
    • PhD candidate
    • Research groups: Kwaliteitsjournalistiek in Digitale Transitie, Normatieve Professionalisering
  • Yael de Haan
    Yael de Haan
    • Lector
    • Research group: Kwaliteitsjournalistiek in Digitale Transitie

Language Engels
Published in Journalism Studies
Key words Journalism education, journalism training, scenarioplanning, higher education, lifelong learning, j-schools
Digital Object Identifier 10.1080/1461670X.2024.2406814

Maaike Severijnen

Maaike Severijnen

  • PhD candidate
  • Research groups: Kwaliteitsjournalistiek in Digitale Transitie, Normatieve Professionalisering