Empirical Investigation of Values Affected by AI Systems for Fire Services

Authors Tina Mioch, Huib Aldewereld, Mark Neerincx
Published in 21st ISCRAM Conference
Publication date 25 mei 2024
Research groups Artificial Intelligence
Type Lecture


Fire fighters operate in a dangerous, dynamic, and complex environment. Artificial Intelligence (AI) systems can contribute to improve fire fighters’ situation awareness and decision-making. However, the introduction of AI systems needs to be done responsibly, taking (human) values into account, especially as the situation in which fire fighters operate is uncertain and decisions have a big impact. In this research, we investigate values that are affected by the introduction of AI systems for fire services by conducting several semi-structured focus group sessions with (operational) fire service personnel. The focus group outcomes are qualitatively analyzed and key values are identified and discussed. This research is a first step in an iterative process towards a generic framework of ethical aspects for the introduction of AI systems in first response, which will give insight into the relevant ethical aspects to take into account when developing AI systems for first responders.

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On this publication contributed

  • Tina Mioch
    • Researcher
    • Research group: Artificial Intelligence
  • Onderzoeker Huib Aldewereld
    Huib Aldewereld
    • College senior lecturer
    • Research group: Artificial Intelligence

Language Engels
Published in 21st ISCRAM Conference
Key words Values, Fire services, Value sensitive design, Responsible AI

Tina Mioch

Tina Mioch

  • Researcher
  • Research group: Artificial Intelligence