Hoe de onvrede over het schuldhulpstelsel ontstond

Auteurs Nadja Jungmann
Gepubliceerd in Justitiële verkenningen
Publicatiedatum 1 januari 2020
Lectoraat Schulden en Incasso
Soort publicatie Artikel


In the Netherlands a large number of households is overindebted. Despite the economic prosperity, 20% of the households has to deal with large debts. Dissatisfaction with the position of debtors has grown in recent years. Numerous initiatives are being launched to improve their position. New legislation is provided for and municipalities are starting up all kinds of pilots. There is momentum for improvement. It is important that all initiatives are coordinated. In addition, it is also important to investigate what the legislation and initiatives yield.

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Taal Nederlands
Gepubliceerd in Justitiële verkenningen
Jaar en volume 46 1
Trefwoorden overindebtedness, legislation, debt recovery, policy change, coronacrisis
Digital Object Identifier 10.5553/JV/016758502020046001002
Paginabereik 9-32

Nadja Jungmann