Human Values for Responsible Decision-Support for Fire Services

Authors Tina Mioch, Huib Aldewereld, Mark Neerincx
Published in Proceedings of the 21st ISCRAM Conference
Publication date 25 mei 2024
Research groups Artificial Intelligence
Type Lecture


Artificial Intelligence systems are more and more being introduced into first response; however, this introduction needs to be done responsibly. While generic claims on what this entails already exist, more details are required to understand the exact nature of responsible application of AI within the first response domain. The context in which AI systems are applied largely determines the ethical, legal, and societal impact and how to deal with this impact responsibly. For that reason, we empirically investigate relevant human values that are affected by the introduction of a specific AI-based Decision Aid (AIDA), a decision support system under development for Fire Services in the Netherlands. We held 10 expert group sessions and discussed the impact of AIDA on different stakeholders. This paper presents the design and implementation of the study and, as we are still in process of analyzing the sessions in detail, summarizes preliminary insights and steps forward.

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On this publication contributed

  • Tina Mioch
    • Researcher
    • Research group: Artificial Intelligence
  • Onderzoeker Huib Aldewereld
    Huib Aldewereld
    • College senior lecturer
    • Research group: Artificial Intelligence

Language Engels
Published in Proceedings of the 21st ISCRAM Conference
Key words Values, Fire Services, Responsible AI, Decision-Support

Tina Mioch

Tina Mioch

  • Researcher
  • Research group: Artificial Intelligence