Policy for a Circular Economy in the Northwest European (NWE) region

Authors Evert-Jan Velzing, Malou van der Vegt, Martijn Rietbergen, Ulrike Kirschnick, Hjalka Biernat, Olivier Talon, Soumaya Lafqir, Russell Yates
Publication date 28 juli 2021
Research groups Building Future Cities
Type Report / working paper


This document combines four reports on existing regional business support programmes for inclusion or understanding of circular economy (CE) objectives, deliverable DT3.1.2 from the transform-CE project. Besides a general overview on national and regional level, the focus is on a selection of national and regional programmes aimed at the plastics industry. After explaining the format to structure the programmes, the results for the four regions are presented: Greater Manchester (UK), Rhineland Palatinate and North-Rhine Westphalia (DE), Wallonia (BE), Central Netherlands (NL).

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On this publication contributed

  • Martijn Rietbergen | onderzoeker | lectoraat Nieuwe Energie in de Stad
    Martijn Rietbergen
    • Researcher
    • Research groups: Nieuwe Energie in de Stad, Building Future Cities

Language Engels
Key words Circular economy

Building Future Cities