Reconsidering Early Detection in Countering Radicalization by Local Frontline Professionals

Authors Annemarie van de Weert, Quirine Eijkman
Published in Terrorism and Political Violence
Publication date 24 maart 2021
Research groups Toegang tot het Recht
Type Article


In recent years, the fight against terrorism and political violence has focused more on anticipating the threats that they pose. Therefore, early detection of ideas by local professionals has become an important part of the preventive approach in countering radicalization. Frontline workers who operate in the arteries of society are encouraged to identify processes toward violent behavior at an early stage. To date, however, little is known about how these professionals take on this screening task at their own discretion. Research from the Netherlands suggests that subjective assessment appears to exist. In this article, we argue that the absence of a clear norm for preliminary judgments affects prejudice or administrative arbitrariness, which may cause side effects due to unjustified profiling.

On this publication contributed

Language Engels
Published in Terrorism and Political Violence
Year and volume 33 2
Key words early detection, radicalization, local professional, risk assessment, potential threats
Digital Object Identifier 10.1080/09546553.2021.1880237
Page range 397-408

Annemarie van de Weert

Annemarie van de Weert

  • Teacher-researcher
  • Research group: Toegang tot het Recht