Setting the stage

Authors Kristina Goodnight, Catherine van Beuningen, Rick de Graaff
Published in Research in drama Education
Publication date 2023
Research groups Meertaligheid en Onderwijs
Type Article


Researchers worldwide have identified affective benefits of improvisational drama techniques (IDTs) on foreign language (FL) learners. Yet the characteristics of professional development programmes (PDPs) that could lead to long-term integration of drama among FL teachers appear largely undiscovered. Through expert interviews, a needs analysis questionnaire and a literature review, this study aimed to determine which design principles a PDP must fulfil to effectively address educational challenges surrounding IDT-implementation. The findings revealed that such training calls for a symbiosis between practical considerations, namely school environment and training conditions, and tapping into a mindset among FL teachers that allows them to (re)discover core beliefs and carry out IDTs with ‘artistry’.

On this publication contributed

Language Engels
Published in Research in drama Education
Year and volume 28 4
Key words improvisational drama, speaking skills, foreign language, teacher professional development
Digital Object Identifier 10.1080/13569783.2022.2154143

Kristina Goodnight

Kristina Goodnight | onderzoeker | lectoraat Didactiek van de Moderne Vreemde Talen

Kristina Goodnight

  • PhD candidate
  • Research group: Meertaligheid en Onderwijs