Technological Applications Contributing to Relieve Care Burden or to Sleep of Caregivers and People With Dementia

Authors Chantal Huisman, Emelieke Huisman, Helianthe Kort
Published in Frontiers in Public Health
Publication date 2022
Research groups Technologie voor Zorginnovaties
Type Article


The need for care will increase in the coming years. Most people with a disability or old age receive support from an informal caregiver. Caring for a person with dementia can be difficult because of the BPSD (Behavioral and Psychological Symptoms of Dementia). BPSD, including sleep disturbance, is an important factor for a higher care load. In this scoping review, we aim to investigate whether technology is available to support the informal caregiver, to lower the care burden, improve sleep quality, and therefore influence the reduction of social isolation of informal caregivers of people with dementia. A scoping review is performed following the methodological framework by Arksey and O'Mally and Rumrill et al., the scoping review includes scientific and other sources (unpublished literature, websites, reports, etc.). The findings of the scoping review shows that there are technology applications available to support the informal caregiver of a person with dementia. The technology applications mostly contribute to lower the care burden and/or improve sleep quality and therefore may contribute to reduce social isolation. The technology applications found target either the person with dementia, the informal caregiver, or both.

On this publication contributed

  • Chantal Huisman | onderzoeker | lectoraat Technologie voor Zorginnovaties
    Chantal Huisman
    • PhD candidate
    • Research group: Technologie voor Zorginnovaties
  • Helianthe Kort
    • Lector
    • Research group: Technologie voor Zorginnovaties

Language Engels
Published in Frontiers in Public Health
Year and volume 2022 10
Key words dementia, informal caregivers, loneliness, sleep, social isolation, technology
Digital Object Identifier 10.3389/fpubh.2022.797176

Chantal Huisman

Chantal Huisman | onderzoeker | lectoraat Technologie voor Zorginnovaties

Chantal Huisman

  • PhD candidate
  • Research group: Technologie voor Zorginnovaties