The role of imagined sociotechnical affordances in shaping experiences of privacy in smart speakers

Authors Jasper Vermeulen, Anouk Mols
Published in S. Habscheid, T. Hector, D. Hoffman, D. Waldecker (Eds.), Voice assistants in private homes: Media, data and language in interaction and discourse
Publication date 2024
Research groups Curriculumvraagstukken Funderend Onderwijs
Type Book


Smart speakers are heralded to make everyday life more convenient in households around the world. These voice-activated devices have become part of intimate domestic contexts in which users interact with platforms.This chapter presents a dualstudy investigating the privacy perceptions of smart speaker users and non-users. Data collected in in-depth interviews and focus groups with Dutch users and non-users show that they make sense of privacy risks through imagined sociotechnical affordances. Imagined affordances emerge with the interplay between user expectations, technologies, and designer intentions. Affordances like controllability, assistance, conversation, linkability, recordability, and locatability are associated with privacy considerations. Viewing this observation in the light of privacy calculus theory, we provide insights into how users’ positive experiences of the control over and assistance in the home offered by smart speakers outweighs privacy concerns. On the contrary, non-users reject the devices because of fears that recordability and locatability would breach the privacy of their homes by tapping data to platform companies. Our findings emphasize the dynamic nature of privacy calculus considerations and how these interact with imagined affordances; establishing a contrast between rational and emotional responses relating to smart speaker use.Emotions play a pivotal role in adoption considerations whereby respondents balance fears of unknown malicious actors against trust in platform companies.This study paves the way for further research that examines how surveillance in the home is becoming increasingly normalized by smart technologies.

On this publication contributed

  • portret Anouk Mols
    Anouk Mols
    • College senior lecturer
    • Research group: Curriculumvraagstukken Funderend Onderwijs

Language Engels
Published in S. Habscheid, T. Hector, D. Hoffman, D. Waldecker (Eds.), Voice assistants in private homes: Media, data and language in interaction and discourse
ISBN/ISSN URN:ISBN:PDF-ISBN: 978-3-8394-7200-2
Key words smart speakers, intelligent personal assistants, voice-activated devices, privacy
Digital Object Identifier 10.14361/9783839472002
Page range 263-289

Curriculumvraagstukken Funderend Onderwijs