Why all the drama?

Authors Kristina Goodnight, Catherine van Beuningen, Rick de Graaff
Published in Journal of Language and Cultural Education
Publication date 2022
Research groups Meertaligheid en Onderwijs
Type Article


Improvisational drama techniques (IDTs) can benefit foreign language (FL) learners by offering them an engaging way to practise speaking while hiding behind the safety of a character mask. This study aimed to glean perceptions toward and experiences with IDTs among FL student teachers, as well as training needs related to integrating IDTs as a pedagogical tool. Foreign language student teachers at a Dutch university who had not received IDT-training took part in a questionnaire (n = 197). Former student teachers who had taken such a course in drama were interviewed in depth (n = 9). Almost all student teachers - both those who had and had not received IDT-training-shared the belief that IDTs have added pedagogical value. The majority of student teachers who had not had drama training indicated that they did not often implement IDTs in their classes. Former student teachers who had IDT-training continued to integrate IDTs with some regularity. Both groups provided valuable input on the components that should be included in a future IDT-training module for both student teachers and in-service teachers. Our findings give rise to the hypothesis that training can play a key role in galvanizing teachers to implement IDTs, and allow us to formulate design criteria for an innovative training module.

On this publication contributed

Language Engels
Published in Journal of Language and Cultural Education
Year and volume 10 1
Key words improvisational drama, speaking skills, foreign language teacher education
Digital Object Identifier 10.2478/jolace-2022-0001
Page range 1-15

Kristina Goodnight

Kristina Goodnight | onderzoeker | lectoraat Didactiek van de Moderne Vreemde Talen

Kristina Goodnight

  • PhD candidate
  • Research group: Meertaligheid en Onderwijs