Business Process Management and Process Performance

Authors Marinus van 't Hul, Quan Zhu, Guido Ongena
Published in ECIS 2023 Research Papers
Publication date 11 mei 2023
Research groups Procesinnovatie & informatiesystemen
Type Lecture


Abstract Business Process Management (BPM) is an important discipline for organizations to manage their business processes. Research shows that higher BPM-maturity leads to better process performance. However, contextual factors such as culture seem to influence this relationship. The purpose of this paper is to investigate the role of national culture on the relationship between BPM-maturity and process performance. A multiple linear regression analysis is performed based on data from six different countries within Europe. Although the results show a significant relationship between BPM-maturity and process performance, no significant moderation effect of national culture has been found. The cultural dimension long term orientation shows a weak negative correlation with both BPM-maturity and process performance. Through a post-hoc moderation analysis on each dimension of BPM-maturity, we further find that long term orientation negatively moderates the relationship between process improvement and process performance. Three other moderation effects are also discovered. The results of this study contribute to insights into the role of culture in the field of BPM.

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On this publication contributed

  • Quan_Zhu
    Quan Zhu
    • Researcher
    • Research group: Procesinnovatie & informatiesystemen
  • Guido Ongena | onderzoeker | Procesinnovatie en Informatiesystemen
    Guido Ongena
    • Lector
    • Research group: Procesinnovatie & informatiesystemen

Language Engels
Published in ECIS 2023 Research Papers
Key words National Culture, business process management, Process Performance

Procesinnovatie en Informatiesystemen