Concerns of Owner‐Occupants in Realising the Aims of Energy Transition

Authors Mieke Oostra, Nelleke Nelis
Published in Urban Planning
Publication date 2022
Research groups Nieuwe Energie in de Stad
Type Article


Although there is an array of technical solutions available for retrofitting the building stock, the uptake of these by owner‐occupants in home improvement activities is lagging. Energy performance improvement is not included in maintenance, redecoration, and/or upgrading activities on a scale necessary to achieve the CO2 reduction aimed for in the built environment. Owner‐occupants usually adapt their homes in response to everyday concerns, such as having enough space available, increasing comfort levels, or adjusting arrangements to future‐proof their living conditions. Home energy improvements should be offered accordingly. Retrofit providers typically offer energy efficiency strategies and/or options for renewable energy generation only and tend to gloss over home comfort and homemaking as key considerations in decision‐making for home energy improvement. In fact, retrofit providers struggle with the tension between customisation requirements from private homeowners and demand aggregation to streamline their supply chains and upscale their retrofit projects. Customer satisfaction is studied in three different Dutch approaches to retrofit owner‐occupied dwellings to increase energy efficiency. For the analysis, a customer satisfaction framework is used that makes a distinction between satisfiers, dissatisfiers, criticals, and neutrals. This framework makes it possible to identify and structure different relevant factors from the perspective of owner‐occupants, allows visualising gaps with the professional perspective, and can assist to improve current propositions.

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On this publication contributed

  • profielfoto Mieke Oostra
    Mieke Oostra
    • Lector
    • Research group: Nieuwe Energie in de Stad

Language Engels
Published in Urban Planning
Year and volume 7 2
Key words built environment, customer satisfaction, energy efficiency, energy transition, owner‐occupants
Digital Object Identifier 10.17645/up.v7i2.5043

Mieke Oostra

profielfoto Mieke Oostra

Mieke Oostra

  • Lector
  • Research group: Nieuwe Energie in de Stad