Design principles for developing information problem solving competence in higher education: a protocol for a systematic review and meta-analysis (LISTA).

Authors Josien Boetje, Bo Sichterman, Stan van Ginkel, Matthijs Smakman, Johan Versendaal
Published in searchRxiv 2023
Publication date 2023
Research groups Smart Systems for Healthy Living
Type Article


This systematic review focused on synthesizing information on studies that evaluated influential and constitutional factors that characterize (elements of) a learning environment for developing Information Problem Solving (IPS) in Higher Education students. Specifically, the goal was to create a comprehensive set of effective design principles for designing learning environments to teach IPS in Higher Education

On this publication contributed

Language Engels
Published in searchRxiv 2023
Key words higher education, Information Literacy

Bo Sichterman

Bo Sichterman | Docent-onderzoeker

Bo Sichterman

  • PhD candidate
  • Research group: Betekenisvol Digitaal Innoveren

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