Developing a new technology curriculum for an urban setting

Authors Gerald van Dijk, Elwin Savelsbergh
Published in J. Dakers (Ed.), A collection of dreams about the future of technology education: A Festschrift in honour of Marc J. de Vries
Publication date 2024
Research groups Curriculumvraagstukken Funderend Onderwijs
Type Book


Technology curricula are evolving at a rate of perhaps no other school subject, as a result of innovations within technology itself and due to new visions about technology education, such as described in this book. Moreover, education as a whole is constantly reinventing itself in new societal contexts, such as increased cultural diversity. In this chapter, these changes intermingle. It is a story about a school where most students had a migrant background and where a new design-based technology curriculum was introduced. We use this story to arrive at four considerations for teachers, researchers and curriculum developers who are concerned with inclusive technology education for the future.

On this publication contributed

  • Gerald van Dijk | onderzoeker | Lectoraat Didactiek van het Bèta- en Technologieonderwijs
    Gerald van Dijk
    • Researcher
    • Research group: Curriculumvraagstukken Funderend Onderwijs
  • Elwin Savelsbergh | lector | lectoraat Didactiek van het Bèta- en Technologieonderwijs
    Elwin Savelsbergh
    • Lector
    • Research group: Curriculumvraagstukken Funderend Onderwijs

Language Engels
Published in J. Dakers (Ed.), A collection of dreams about the future of technology education: A Festschrift in honour of Marc J. de Vries
ISBN/ISSN URN:ISBN:9789004710948
Key words technology education, secondary education
Digital Object Identifier 10.1163/9789004710948_013
Page range 142-155

Gerald van Dijk

Gerald van Dijk | onderzoeker | Lectoraat Didactiek van het Bèta- en Technologieonderwijs

Gerald van Dijk

  • Onderzoeker
  • Lectoraat: Curriculumvraagstukken Funderend Onderwijs