Digital Transformation of Development NGOs

Authors Anand Sheombar
Published in ICITS 2022: Information Technology and Systems
Publication date 9 maart 2022
Research groups Procesinnovatie & informatiesystemen
Type Article


This paper presents an exploration into how Northern-based development NGOs might change into digital social entrepreneurs while using the Internet or social media for their ICT for Development (ICT4D) related projects. The research explores the role of the Internet and social media in Northern-based development NGOs transitioning toward digital social entrepreneurship. This digital transformation observation is based on the findings of a grounded theory analysis of interviews, social media communications and reports of Dutch development NGOs. We observed a trend of service delivery by development NGOs -some young and small NGOs- transitioning to digital social enter-prises, being less dependent on government funding. The implications are that Northern-based development NGOs could be competing with local Southern NGOs or other local actors working on development. Furthermore, we suggest more research on the organisa-tional transformations ICT induces in the field of development activities.

On this publication contributed

  • Anand Sheombar
    • Researcher
    • Research group: Procesinnovatie & informatiesystemen

Language Engels
Published in ICITS 2022: Information Technology and Systems
ISBN/ISSN URN:ISBN:978-3-030-96293-7_50
Key words Digital Transformation, Digital Social Entrepreneurship,, Development NGO
Digital Object Identifier 10.1007/978-3-030-96293-7
Page range 600-613

Anand Sheombar

Anand Sheombar

  • Onderzoeker
  • Research group: Procesinnovatie & informatiesystemen