Enhancing process model visualisation to facilitate the understanding of stakeholders

Authors Iris Mulder
Published in 37th Bled eConference – Resilience Through Digital Innovation: Enabling the Twin Transition: June 9 – 12, 2024, Bled, Slovenia, Conference Proceedings
Publication date 2024
Research groups Procesinnovatie & informatiesystemen
Type Lecture


Over the past forty years, the use of process models in practice has grown extensively. Until twenty years ago, remarkably little was known about the factors that contribute to the human understandability of process models in practice. Since then, research has, indeed, been conducted on this important topic, by e.g. creating guidelines. Unfortunately, the suggested modelling guidelines often fail to achieve the desired effects, because they are not tied to actual experimental findings. The need arises for knowledge on what kind of visualisation of process models is perceived as understandable, in order to improve the understanding of different stakeholders. Therefore the objective of this study is to answer the question: How can process models be visually enhanced so that they facilitate a common understanding by different stakeholders? Consequently, five subresearch questions (SRQ) will be discussed, covering three studies. By combining social psychology and process models we can work towards a more human-centred and empirical-based solution to enhance the understanding of process models by the different stakeholders with visualisation.

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On this publication contributed

  • Iris Mulder
    Iris Mulder
    • Researcher
    • Research group: Procesinnovatie & informatiesystemen

Language Engels
Published in 37th Bled eConference – Resilience Through Digital Innovation: Enabling the Twin Transition: June 9 – 12, 2024, Bled, Slovenia, Conference Proceedings
ISBN/ISSN URN:ISBN:978-961-286-871-0
Key words process model, visualisation psychology, designers, stakeholders
Digital Object Identifier 10.18690/um.fov.4.2024.52

Iris Mulder

Iris Mulder

Iris Mulder

  • Researcher
  • Research group: Procesinnovatie & informatiesystemen