Organizations in Digital Transformation (ODT): A Literature Review on the Implications for Malleable Organization and HRM

Authors Xiao Peng, Machiel Bouwmans
Publication date 2023
Research groups Organisaties in Digitale Transitie
Type Lecture


The digital age has brought significant changes in the way organizations operate and compete. As a result of rapid technology development, many organizations are undergoing a digital transformation to stay relevant and competitive in the marketplace. This literature review aims to find future research topics by providing an overview of the current state of research on organizations in digital transformation (ODT), especially on malleable organization design and HRM aspects. The article begins by defining digital transformation (DT), and then examines how organizations change during DT, before delving into the perspectives of malleable organization design and HRM. Finally, it concludes by identifying gaps in the literature and suggesting a research agenda for future. Overall, organizational factors that need more investigation are highlighted to tackle complexities of ODT for further research

On this publication contributed

  • Xiao_Peng
    Xiao Peng
    • Researcher
    • Research group: Organisaties in Digitale Transitie
  • Machiel Bouwmans | onderzoeker | lectoraat Beroepsonderwijs
    Machiel Bouwmans
    • Researcher
    • Research group: Organisaties in Digitale Transitie

Language Engels
Key words Digital transformation, HRM

Xiao Peng


Xiao Peng

  • Onderzoeker
  • Research group: Organisaties in Digitale Transitie