Step by Step

Authors Imke Suir
Publication date 2023
Research groups Innovatie van Beweegzorg
Type Doctoral thesis


This thesis focuses on topics such as preterm birth, variation in gross motor development, factors that influence (premature) infant gross motor development, and parental beliefs and practices. By gaining insight into these topics, this thesis aims to contribute to clinical decision-making of paediatric physiotherapists together with parents, and with that shape early intervention.

On this publication contributed

  • Imke Suir | onderzoeker | lectoraat Leefstijl en Gezondheid
    Imke Suir
    • Researcher
    • Research group: Bewegen en Opgroeien doe je Samen

Language Engels
Key words paediatric physiotherapy, preterm infants, gross motor development, clinical decision making, preterm birth