The anatomy of a personal service

Authors Jeroen van Grondelle, Marlies van Steenbergen, Aletta Smits, Tijs Timmerman, Koen van Turnhout, Harald Pol
Published in Conference Proceedings 36th Bled eConference
Publication date 25 juni 2023
Research groups Betekenisvol Digitaal Innoveren, Marketing en Customer Experience, Human Experience & Media Design
Type Lecture


Digitalization enables public organizations to personalize their services, tuning them to the specific situation, abilities, and preferences of the citizens. At the same time, digital services can be experienced as being less personal than face-to-face contact by citizens. The large existing volume of academic literature on personalization mainly represents the service provider perspective. In contrast, in this paper we investigate what makes citizens experience a service as personal. The result are eight dimensions that capture the full range of individual experiences and expectations that citizens expressed in focus groups. These dimensions can serve as a framework for public sector organizations to explore the expectations of citizens of their own services and identify the areas in which they can improve the personal experiences they offer.

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Language Engels
Published in Conference Proceedings 36th Bled eConference
ISBN/ISSN URN:ISBN:978-961-286-751-5
Key words personalisation, personal service, public services, digitalisation customer experience
Digital Object Identifier 10.18690/um.fov.4.2023.31
Page range 484-495

Jeroen van Grondelle

Jeroen van Grondelle

Jeroen van Grondelle

  • Researcher
  • Research group: Betekenisvol Digitaal Innoveren