Wheelchair Mobility Confidence Scale for Dutch youth using a manual wheelchair

Authors Marleen Sol, Manon Bloemen, O. Verschuren, P.W. Rushton, Anne Visser‑Meily, J.F. de Groot
Published in Disability and Rehabilitation : Assistive Technology
Publication date 2020
Research groups Leefstijl en Gezondheid
Type Article


Purpose: The objective of this study was to develop a questionnaire to assess confidence in wheelchair mobility in Dutch youth (WheelCon-Mobility Dutch Youth). Methods: (1) A forward–backward translation process was used to translate the original WheelCon-M from English to Dutch. (2) Items related to wheelchair mobility in Dutch youth were selected and adapted based on focus groups with youth, parents and health care professionals to create the WheelCon-Mobility Dutch Youth. (3) The WheelCon-Mobility Dutch Youth and the Utrecht Pediatric Wheelchair Mobility Skills Test 2.0 (UP-WMST 2.0) were administered to 62 participants to evaluate internal consistency and construct validity. Results: Translation and cultural adaptation led to general adaptations in instructions, sentence structure and response scale. At the item level, 24 items were included with (n = 17) and without (n = 7) adaptation, 10 items were deleted and 7 new items were included. The WheelCon-Mobility Dutch Youth had an excellent Cronbach’s alpha of 0.924 and a significant correlation (r = 0.44, p < .001) with the UP-WMST 2.0. Conclusions: This study resulted in the adaptation of the WheelCon-M into the WheelCon-Mobility for Dutch youth using a manual wheelchair. Our study suggests there is evidence supporting the internal consistency and construct validity of the WheelCon-Mobility Dutch Youth. Implications for Rehabilitation The WheelCon-Mobility Dutch Youth is a newly developed tool for assessing confidence in wheelchair mobility in Dutch youth using a manual wheelchair. It is important to assess performance and confidence in wheelchair mobility in paediatric rehabilitation.

On this publication contributed

  • Marleen Sol onderzoek Hogeschool Utrecht
    Marleen Sol
    • Researcher
    • Research group: Bewegen en Opgroeien doe je Samen
  • Manon Bloemen | onderzoeker | lectoraat Leefstijl en Gezondheid
    Manon Bloemen
    • Lector
    • Research group: Bewegen en Opgroeien doe je Samen

Language Engels
Published in Disability and Rehabilitation : Assistive Technology
Year and volume 15 6
Key words wheelchair users, youth, validity, wheelchair mobility, confidence, WheelCon
Digital Object Identifier 10.1080/17483107.2019.1604832
Page range 684-691