After graduation

Upon graduation you will receive a Bachelor of Education (B.Ed.) degree, together with the International Diploma Supplement (IDS) in English. With Germany's role in the EU and international trade, we expect job prospects for German teachers to remain excellent, further influenced by teacher shortages and demand from the job market.

Three students stand in front of the colourful façade of Padualaan 97 in Utrecht

Which jobs can I apply for after Teacher Education in German?

You bring the language, literature and culture of the German-speaking countries to young minds in a stimulating manner, using many different teaching methods. You also guide and mentor children and young adults on their journey towards adulthood.

You focus on the use of German in the workplace, training young adults attending vocational school (MBO or ROC in Dutch) and preparing them for their future jobs.

At a language institute or adult learning centre in the Netherlands or abroad, you teach German to people from all ages and backgrounds.

You keep up to date with the latest in (online) learning methods and you create course materials that are easy and fun to use. Or, you focus on course objectives and create exams to test participants.

If you want to combine a career with another job, or continued studies, you can choose to go freelance. You may give private German lessons, or tutor students and help with homework. The choices are endless.

You can get started at

  • Dutch secondary schools
  • Dutch vocational schools
  • Language institutes around the world
  • Publishers
  • Government institutions

Keep on studying after earning your degree?

After your graduation, you may continue your education towards a Master's degree at a college or university around the world. In some cases, you may need a special minor to enrol, or follow an extra preparation course which may take up to a year. Students who speak Dutch or English can continue their studies with a Master of Education (in Dutch) or Master Teacher Education in German (in English).

Three students stand in front of the colourful façade of Padualaan 97 in Utrecht

Interested in the Bachelor's programme Teacher Education in German?

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